Mood FM Launches New Website

We are pleased to announce the launch of our brand new and improved “Mood FM Belize Website”
This upgraded site was created with the station, its programs, our listeners and fans in mind.
In addition to a completely new and fresh look, we ensured that navigation is easy and straight forward. You are now able to instantly access whatever info you seek.
Now Airing
With our new “Now Airing” section prominently displayed on our “Home Page”, you can always know what show is currently on air, as well as what shows are lined up to be aired next.
You can get this same info from the “Schedule” page, this is just an instant overview at a glance, for your convenience.
We have added an additional streamer to our options, It doesn’t just play the station, but, it also shows Meta info for the songs being played, namely: Track name, artist name and artwork for the album.
Have you ever heard a great song playing and really want to know the name of the song and the artist, well, we got you covered, just tune in to our stream via the HTML5 player and you’ll always know what’s playing. How awesome is that?
Highlight Our Shows
We have place greater efforts to ensure our various shows are better highlighted to keep you informed of show time and related info.
It’s long overdue but, we have finally integrate our Facebook page into our site, now, all new Facebook posts are automatically shown on our website.
Highlighting Our Syndicated Shows
We have partnered with some very artistic and creative broadcasters outside of Belize to bring their unique sound, style and opinions to our station and the Belizean audience. We are proud to present these shows and we now give highlight to them on our site.
We Want To Hear From You
As we continue our journey to perfection, we welcome your feedback on what you like, and, how we may better serve you.
You can leave a comment on:
- This specific article below,
- A post on our “Testimonial” page,
- A private message via our “Contact” page with your concerns, criticisms, and comments.